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Registration Details

All inquiries regarding teachers, fees and the facilities may be directed to Jessica Esch the Academy manager.    647.378.6622

You may also contact Dr. Esch via TEXT ONLY at 647.378.0930

Registering for an exam or contest? Click here!



Fees: Differ according to teacher.  Inquire with Jessica to learn more about individual teacher rates.


Make-up lesson policy:  A maximum of two make up lessons per semester will be afforded.  Lessons canceled on the day will not be made up unless there is a major emergency.   All make-up lessons must be completed by the end of the semester in  question.   Please factor this into your requests for lesson times.  

Studio etiquette: as our studio space is limited, please show up only for your designated lesson time. When in the waiting room, please be sympathetic to other students who may be having their lessons in the back studio and keep noise e traffic to an absolute minimum.


Class Attendance: All Theory/History and Musikgarten classes have mandatory attendance and are non-refundable

For private instrumental instruction, a semesterly commitment is required.  Only in the event of real emergency will reimbursements be offered. 

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